Got a question regarding the website that you cannot find the answer to?
Sure you've checked our frequently asked questions? If not, then read onwards!
- What is Lucem Fero?
- Lucem Fero is an independent website dedicated towards producing seminal, revelatory interviews / reviews with / regarding the cream of Metal, Rock and Alternative artists. Hearking from the revered classics of days gone by, this extends towards scintillating new prospects of the present day. If one wishes to read generic, mass printed interviews / reviews by the numbers, then feel free to visit elsewhere. We pride ourselves on asking decisive, in depth questions relevant to the interviewee, striving to gain the greatest possible interviews achievable under the circumstances. In terms of reviews, we pride ourselves upon venturing towards the heart of the release, and explaining in detail what makes a specific release such a gem, or misfire. Quality, not quantity, is the crux of the argument.
- How did Lucem Fero begin?
- Lucem Fero originally began in late October 2006 as the brainchild of Welsh interviewer Anthony Morgan, who wanted a vehicle with which to both secure and publish interviews. Welsh photographer Nadine Ballantyne began to photograph and review concerts at this very same time, centralising her efforts to the Cardiff area of Wales. Several months went by, and Lucem Fero slowly grew. Veteran reviewer Mark Fisher contacted the site with the hope of joining the staff in July 2007, and since that time, has been a noted contributor to Lucem Fero's album reviews section. During early 2008, Mark's erstwhile colleague Eric Stephens came aboard, and forms another great addition to Lucem Fero's staff.
- How can Metal albums / singles / EPs / demos be submitted for review?
- Artists that wish to send their material for review should include the material itself in an stamped addressed envelope / parcel, and a relevant press release with contact information enclosed. That can then be sent to the address given on the contact page.
- Who is eligible for inclusion in the Links section?
- Eligible parties for inclusion in the Links section comprise of groups (whether signed/unsigned) that gig the live circuit, record labels, band management/PR companies, webzines, fansites and photographers. Interested parties must also link to Lucem Fero out of courtesy. Sounds cool? Are you keen? If yes, then send an email clearly marked LINK to the editor.
- How can readers help promote Lucem Fero?
- You can help by taking the time to read Lucem Fero's reviews and interviews - this is what makes the tiring graft worthwhile. Tell your friends, post forum threads, and spread the word around. Keep up to date by subscribing to our newsletter, and add us to your MySpace friends list. Once again, thanks for pledging your support.
- How can Lucem Fero be contacted?
- Lucem Fero can be contacted through the editor, though since times can be busy please understand that not all emails will be answered unless they fully require a response and with good reason.